In this student problem you will learn how to compose and decompose partial fractions, which contain variable x on either the numerator or denominator or both. You compose them by adding them together as you would a normal fraction. In order to be able to add them together you must have the denominator the same. If you multiply the denominator by another number to make the denominators the same and add the numerators, you must also multiply the numerator by whatever you multiplied the denominator. When you DEcompose the fractions then you must separate the common denominator. You do this by separating each factor into different fractions and putting a variable (A,BC, etc.) as the numerator.
In this student problem you must remember to multiply the numerators by every factor needed in order to have the same common denominator and be able to add the numerators together. Also, when you decompose you must remember to gather the like terms together and not put different terms together in one equation of your system because then your answer will come out wrong.
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