
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Fibonacci Haiku: The Clique

The clique.
Best Friends Forever.
It's hard to get in.
Just know that it's harder to stay in.
This shows 5 girls in a popular clique and they are shown to be very fashionable.

Monday, November 18, 2013

SP #5: Unit J Concept 6: Decomposing Partial Fractions together with REPEATED FACTORS

In this student problem you will learn how to decompose a partial fraction with a factor that will be repeated at least once. This specific student problem will have three factors that are repeated. This type of decomposing is very similar to that of concept 5. In both you must separate the factors and put a variable (A,BC, etc,) as the numerator.
However,  you must remember when you separate these factors that are the same you must count up the powers. in the factor that is repeated on the denominator. This means that your first factor that is repeated will go to the power of one and then your second factor repeated to the power of two and so on.

SP #4: Unit J Concept 5: Decomposing Partial Fractions together

In this student problem you will learn how to compose and decompose partial fractions, which contain variable x on either the numerator or denominator or both. You compose them by adding them together as you would a normal fraction. In order to be able to add them together you must have the denominator the same. If you multiply the denominator by another number to make the denominators the same and add the numerators, you must also multiply the numerator by whatever you multiplied the denominator. When you DEcompose the fractions then you must separate the common denominator. You do this by separating each factor into different fractions and putting a variable (A,BC, etc.) as the numerator.
In this student problem you must remember to multiply the numerators by every factor needed in order to have the same common denominator and be able to add the numerators together. Also, when you decompose you must remember to gather the like terms together and not put different terms together in one equation of your system because then your answer will come out wrong.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

SV #5: Solving 3-Variable Systems Using Gaussian Elimination plus Gauss-Jordan Elimination

                      In this video you will learn about how to solve 3 variable equations using Gaussian Elimination. You will become familiar with terms throughout the video such as: matrix/matrices, REF, RREF, Elementary Row Operations, Back Substitution, Gaussian-Jordan Elimination, triangle zeroes and stair-step ones. You will learn how to apply each of these in order to be able to solve 3 variable equations. You will learn how to solve step by step using at most 4 steps. Plus you will learn how to check your answer using a calculator.
                       You must pay close attention to the part when we are creating the triangle zeroes and stair-step ones in the matrices. It is tricky to see how you got to the new equation so you must pay close attention to the process of getting to the new equation. It is good to remember the ELEMENTARY ROW OPERATIONS so you can be sure to be on the right track. Make sure to be neat and organized as well.